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No More Excuses!!!


This review of Chair Dancing Through The Decades came from and Amazon customer.  I just love her enthusiasm and the fact that she totally "gets it,"  NO EXCUSES!  Everyone can exercise in some capacity.  Chair Exercise is a great alternative and you can really get an effective workout from Chair Dancing.  Its fun and you won't believe how quickly the time passes.  What are you waiting for!?!  Sit and Be Fit!

"Jodi's excellent knowledge of aerobics coupled with her enthusiasm make chair aerobics a wonderful, wonderful exercise program for those who cannot do regular aerobics. Don't kid yourself and think these are easy exercises--you get a very real heart-thumping, pulse-pounding work-out that leaves you feeling high on those endorphins. No matter what shape you are in, you CAN DO aerobics with Jodi! No longer an excuse to keep from exercising with Jodi's chair dancing!"

Visit our Free Workouts Page to try some routines from Chair Dancing Through The Decades!

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