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Jodi's Blog

Bad Weather Keeping You In? No PROBLEM - Exercise Indoors

Weather keeping you in? No PROBLEM! Sit or Stand for Express Toning - Try 1 minute free now Fast Results - Quick and Easy!Senior wellness, Age in place fitness, Anti-Aging Workout, Home fitness, Chair fitness, Chair aerobics, Menopause exercise, Chair exercise, Senior fitness, , Obesity exercise, Exercise at home, Strong At Sixty ExerciseWeight loss exercise [...]

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​Are People Still Chair Dancing® ?

Are People Still Chair Dancing® ?Many years ago in what feels like a land far, far away, my dance career was interrupted by a foot injury which slowed me down but it didn’t stop me. I was determined to stay active. So began the creation of, Chair Dancing® This was over 25 years ago when [...]

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Exercise can be FUN and Work too!

5.0 out of 5 starsShe sure does make exercise fun..BymaryHelen Melnickon January 12, 2018Format: DVDSit or Stand for Express Toning Express Toning: PurchaseThis is everything it said it was and more.i most certainly will look into her other DVDs. She sure does make exercise fun..Senior wellness, Age in place fitness, Anti-Aging Workout, Home fitness, Chair [...]

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​RX = Exercise to get happier and healthier!

RX = Exercise to get happier and healthier!It’s been said: “If all the benefits of exercise could be placed in a single pill, it would be the most widely prescribed medication in the world.” Scientific evidence continues to mount supporting the numerous medicinal benefits of exercise. In fact, there’s hardly a disease that I can [...]

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Love is the Greatest Motivator

The greatest motivator is love. Do it for yourself, do it for someone you love!Senior wellness, Age in place fitness, Anti-Aging Workout, Home fitness, Chair fitness, Chair aerobics, Menopause exercise, Chair exercise, Senior fitness, , Obesity exercise, Exercise at home, Strong At Sixty ExerciseWeight loss exercise at home, Senior exercise at home, Chair Exercise for [...]

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My Self Care Always Begin With Exercise - This is My Gift To Me

My Self Care Always Begin With Exercise - This is My Gift To Me and all who love me.Senior wellness, Age in place fitness, Anti-Aging Workout, Home fitness, Chair fitness, Chair aerobics, Menopause exercise, Chair exercise, Senior fitness, , Obesity exercise, Exercise at home, Strong At Sixty ExerciseWeight loss exercise at home, Senior exercise at [...]

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We offer excuse free/barrier busting exercise. Try a minute Free

We offer excuse free/barrier busting exercise. Try a minute Free wellness, Age in place fitness, Anti-Aging Workout, Home fitness, Chair fitness, Chair aerobics, Menopause exercise, Chair exercise, Senior fitness, , Obesity exercise, Exercise at home, Strong At Sixty ExerciseWeight loss exercise at home, Senior exercise at home, Chair Exercise for Weight Loss, Chair Exercise [...]

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No time to go to the gym? Weather keeping you in? No PROBLEM! Sit or Stand for Express Toning

No time to go to the gym? Weather keeping you in? No PROBLEM! Sit or Stand for Express Toning - Try 1 minute free now Fast Results - Quick and Easy!Senior wellness, Age in place fitness, Anti-Aging Workout, Home fitness, Chair fitness, Chair aerobics, Menopause exercise, Chair exercise, Senior fitness, , Obesity exercise, Exercise at [...]

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Mary, Who Has Neuropathy, Loves Our DVDs

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I love your dvd's! I own every single one of them and use them. I first started using them when I developed neuropathy and found it painful to stand for any length of time. I am now able to attend regular exercise classes, but I still use your dvd’s in between. I [...]

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How To Jump Start Your Fitness Goals In 2018 Lose Your Excuses and Gain a Healthier Body

Happy New Year! The energy feels good and I’m excited about what the year ahead will bring. I know sometimes it’s hard to get those goals started. With that being said, I say, start small. Getting fit or losing weight (or any goal) is about making that vision a reality and sometimes it’s hard.I’ve heard it all,“I just don’t have the time”“I’m too [...]

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